
The focus of these sessions is to provide ongoing coaching for anyone wanting to build on the skills developed in an initial training workshop.   [button size='small' style='' text='Lets Connect' icon='' icon_color='' link='' target='_self' color='#ffffff' hover_color='' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='#61CE70' hover_background_color='' font_style='' font_weight='' text_align='center' margin='']...

Half-day (4 hour) workshop online or in-house if preferred   This workshop will give a group or team the skills and understanding to create more mindful work practices. Learning objectives • Understand the key principles of mindfulness • Learn a set of practical mindfulness tools for preventing stress and boosting...

A series of eight online sessions   This programme offers regular practice for those who wish to establish a mindfulness habit. Each weekly 30-minute session will consist of a short presentation on one of the key aspects of mindfulness followed by a 12-minute guided mindfulness practice and...

60-minute session online or in-house if preferred.   This is suitable for all organisations wanting to run an introductory session for any group size. It covers what mindfulness is, why it is beneficial to us in our working lives and includes a short guided exercise.   [button size='small' style=''...